Tourism July 7, 2022 | 4:05 pm

Air tickets fly through the clouds

The reduction of airfare is a clamor that has become collective and has become the current and insistent theme in the tourism sector of the Dominican Republic since high prices fly through the roof.

The drop, supported by the Government, through the Ministry of Tourism ( Mitur ) and its head, David Collado, would relieve the pressure and result in more visitors arriving in the country since costs are one of the main obstacles faced. The growth of tourism in the country.

As stated by Collado himself, they work together with consulates and airlines to encourage charter flights and lower ticket prices.

But not only the reduction in travel rates from the United States would be contemplated, but also from Europe through the  Socio-Cultural Association of Dominicans in Guadalajara, Spain, has exclaimed to be included in said plans to have a fair price at the time of flying to the Caribbean island.

And it is that the legislative project will carry a reduction or exemption in taxes since local airlines must pay 18% of ITBIS  and others to operate commercially within the country.

If fulfilled, hopefully in the medium term, it would be a relief for all locals and foreigners who choose the country to vacation.

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Mr. Sensible
July 7, 2022 5:44 pm

Here is an idea Davy! Lower your frigging taxes to come here!