Tourism August 12, 2022 | 3:43 pm

South America fuels tourism recovery in Dominican Republic

Statistics on the flow of tourism to the Dominican Republic indicate that the sector’s sustained growth is due to the increase in visitors from emerging markets, in addition to arrivals from traditional issuers such as the United States and Canada.

The countries that stood out during the period January-June 2022 are Argentina, with 72,854 additional passengers; Colombia (69,583); Chile (47,656); Peru (24,875); Brazil (15,783); Puerto Rico (12,019) and Ecuador (10,359), according to Central Bank figures.

The data reflect that for the first semester of last year, Argentina registered a flow of visitors of 14,975, the amount that went to 90,298 in the current year; Colombia went from 47,476 to 122,147; Chile from 9,178 to 54,964; Peru registered 10,448 and went to 38,751; Brazil from 15,350 to 33,971; Puerto Rico from 51,703 to 72,638; and Ecuador from 9,855 to 21,296.

At the end of June, non-resident tourist arrivals to the country totaled 3,547,143 people. Fifty-eight percent arrived from North America, 24.4% from Europe, 13% from South America, 3.7% from Central America and the Caribbean, and 0.4% from Asia and other parts of the world.

In the preferred order, if the flow of 2018 is compared with 2019 – two pre-pandemic years – Colombia registered a variation of 4,622 more travelers, Chile 4,578, Peru 1,118, Puerto Rico 6,689, and Ecuador with 500 additional visitors during the period of comparison, according to Diario Libre.

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