Tourism April 21, 2023 | 10:43 am

DiDi presents the top 4 of the longest distances traveled in the Dominican Republic

DiDi conducted a study to determine the most popular distances that app users have traveled, and the findings revealed some of the longest routes taken by passenger users in the Dominican Republic. According to Jorge Ordoñez, Regional Director for DiDi in Latin America, the company is committed to providing excellent value and security features for both driver and passenger users. Based on the study, below are the four longest routes and distances traveled by users:

The first route starts from Parque Mirador Norte in Santo Domingo and goes all the way to Punta Cana, which is 241 kilometers away. Both driver and passenger users can enjoy the beautiful beach and take part in various tourist activities.

The second route starts from Los Patos Beach in Barahona and ends in the Mendoza sector in Santo Domingo Este, spanning 232 kilometers. Users can enjoy the scenic view of the mountains, coastal landscape, and countryside of the Dominican Republic.

The third route starts from Juan Tomás Mejía y Cotes Street in Santo Domingo and goes to the Punta Cana International Airport, which is 235 kilometers away. This provides users with a stress-free request to and from the airport, ensuring their safety.

The last route begins on the Camino de la Santidad in Pantoja and reaches Miches, a tourist destination that is 208 kilometers away. Miches is a lesser-known place that offers a variety of outdoor activities and a beautiful Caribbean coast.

DiDi is an app that connects passenger users with driver users, where users can select their place of origin and destination as well as their preferred payment method. The app also provides more than 20 security functions, two emergency centers, and eight intelligence models to ensure that 99.9% of trips occur without any incidents.

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