Tourism May 17, 2023 | 8:17 am

Tourism industry must adapt to be sustainable

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic is facing several challenges in making its tourism industry environmentally friendly and resilient to climate change. These challenges, including reducing plastics, transforming sargassum, promoting community tourism, and organizing destination management, were discussed at the International Forum for Sustainable Tourism in the country.

As part of the efforts to address these challenges, the Minister of Tourism, David Collado, and the Secretary of the UNWTO, Zurab Pololikashvili, signed a declaration of intent to develop a public-private strategy within the next 90 days. The strategy aims to outline short, medium, and long-term measures to promote sustainability and environmental friendliness in the tourism sector.

One of the immediate measures proposed is the gradual elimination of plastic throughout the hotel sector’s value chain. The Dominican Republic is expected to be one of the first countries in the Caribbean to implement such an initiative within the tourism industry. This action aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals and demonstrates tangible results.

During the forum, the Iberostar Group Sustainability Manager highlighted the case of their hotel chain, which successfully eliminated single-use plastics in 2020 and replaced them with reusable materials. This achievement serves as a model for other establishments and helps raise environmental awareness among tourists.

The focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility in the Dominican Republic’s tourism sector underscores the country’s commitment to creating a more sustainable future for the industry.

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