Tourism November 20, 2023 | 9:30 am

19 cruise ships to arrive this week; already 60 in season’s 3rd cruise week

Santo Domingo.- For the week of November 20 to 26, 2023, the Dominican Republic will receive 19 cruise ships according to the schedule presented by the ports and anchorage destinations of the country.

According to information published by tourist outlet Infotur Dominicano, this represents 3 cruise ships less than the previous week, but the country should register at the end of this week a total of 60 cruise ship visits.

The schedule provided reveals that Puerto Plata will be receiving 12 cruise ship visits, of which 5 will be in Amber Cove. In the case of Taino Bay, 7 visits and two days of double operation are also scheduled (Tuesday and Saturday).

The East pier of the La Romana terminal will receive 3 cruise ship visits, and 1 on Catalina Island, for a total of four. In the case of the capital city, Santo Domingo, the Crystal Serenity will remain in port, departing at 4:00 p.m. after an overnight stay.

In Samaná, two ships will arrive this week: the AIDADiva, on Tuesday 21, and the AIDALuna, on Friday 24, under the modality of anchorage in the bay of the city, Infotur Dominicano reported.


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