Politur delivers 7 new vehicles to reinforce tourism security in Santiago
Santiago—Minoru Matsunaga, director of the Tourist Police (Politur), delivered seven new units to the Santiago Tourist Destination Cluster to reinforce the tourist security of Santiago and the northern zone as part of the destination’s strengthening strategies.
The new surveillance and assistance units that were delivered are three pick-up trucks and four-wheel cars, which will be strategically distributed in the tourist destinations of San José de las Matas, Montecristi, and Jarabacoa.
With this, Matsunaga reiterated the commitment of the Politur’s central management to guarantee the safety of local and foreign tourists visiting all the country’s destinations, as requested by the President of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader, and the Minister of Tourism, David Collado.
The President of the Clúster Santiago Destino Turístico, Ramón Paulino, together with Germán Ulises Polanco, President of the Santiago Hotel Association, thanked the endowment that will serve to reinforce security in the tourist-cultural zone.
“Today, we are already a tourist city that has been presented as such in international markets; today we are working to define our City Brand, 5 new hotels with 591 rooms are being built, the Cibao International Airport is expanding, the cable car cabins are already circulating and in a short time we will be impressed to see how the Monorail of Santiago goes up the Carrera Avenue and circulates through our streets, we are already a Cosmopolitan city,” assured Paulino.
He emphasized that security is one of the most essential elements of any tourist destination.
Colonel Nelson Morillo, regional director of Politur, expressed his gratitude for delivering the new vehicles, which will strengthen the work of the Central Cibao Regional Directorate of Politur.
Politur should get involved in conjunction with environmental agencies to stop the illegal sale of gasoline and diesel in the touristic areas Juan dolio …los bancos de arena and boca chica.
Corrupted officials are ruining the water near the shore allowing oil spill and fuel spills thus contaminating the beach…..
What a shame.
The gov’t should confiscate impounded vehicles not claimed by owners after 90 days. It could use them to assist public safety needs.
When did DSantiago become a tourist area? Seems like the resources would better utilized in an area that actually has tourist.