Dominican golf scene boosted by Corales Punta Cana

Frank Rainieri at Corales
Punta Cana – Frank Rainieri, founder and chairman of the Board of Directors of the Puntacana Group, said that Corales served to put the country, the Punta Cana destination and the Puntacana Resort & Club, in the world of sports. “When you talk worldwide, if someone is a golfer and you mention Corales Puntacana, they know about it.”
He explained that “the growth of Corales Puntacana Championship is based on the trust they have generated over the years with the PGA Tour.”
“We had to earn their trust,” he said.
He emphasized that “Corales has all the conditions required by the circuit, logistics, security, among other things. The tournament covers all the details involved in doing this, and it is something well earned by the proposal that is delivered every year.”
“Punta Cana offers local and international tourists a diversity of products that can be enjoyed by all types of public, as it offers beach, sports and ecological tourism,” said the tourism entrepreneur.
Rainieri added, “The Punta Cana destination is open to all tastes of Dominicans.”
“From the day we invited them to come, they already understood that, yes, this was the right place for the PGA in the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean,” he added.
It is recalled that Frank Ranieri’s first contributions to the group of American investors in Punta Cana were free of charge, and then he began to receive compensation. ” They bought the land; what they did not know was what to do with the land,” he said.
When you talk about Tweet of the dog, everybody knows it since a very long time. Casa de Campo did not had to wait for Corales!