Brokers have a more negative than positive impact on sales

Santo Domingo—Brokers operating in the tourism and residential world continue to act of their own free will, which is, in its way, uncontrolled and has a more negative than positive impact on sales.
The Dominican Republic, in general, and Punta Cana, in particular, have the most real estate intermediaries in the Caribbean, the same as in Latin America.
You lift a stone, and magically, a broker appears. They grow without stopping in the wake of the country’s tourist and residential boom and the star destination like a plague.
Some intermediation companies operate under the acronym of multinationals, franchised ones, and those with proven track records. But they are a minority compared to the sea of disorderly brokers settled in the Eastern area.
Intermediaries without employees on staff, without the slightest rigor, who advertise from their personal computers, who only pursue quick commissions, and who do not try to advise buyers and sellers properly.
People who have found a vein of gold in the residential boom and who have authorized access to the complexes (something that does not happen with direct clients) increase the sales prices of the products.
And they wash their hands when some criminals take advantage of the kindness of owners who sell or rent villas or plots, pressured by the urgency of these unscrupulous brokers. There are notorious cases of negligence.
The authorities and owners of the complexes and projects must act without delay against these uncontrolled sellers who negatively impact real estate operations.
There is no regulation of brokers. Anybody can be a broker, a real estate intermediary. Many are scam artists who really do nothing and then expect to be paid generously for doing nothing.
If there is no frame “picture” spills …
No enforced regulations ,chaos is in charge…
My dogs (all three of them) can be “brokers” here …
Another word ,every “Joe and Shmoe” can do whatever they like …
Chaos is understatement …
Agreed! We need regulation and licensing! For agents and brokers! Obviously anyone with a criminal record won’t be allowed to practice.