North Coast August 27, 2024 | 9:29 am

Francisco Javier García blames government neglect for decline in Samaná’s tourism

Image: external source

Santo Domingo.- Former Minister of Tourism Francisco Javier García has criticized the government for neglecting the province of Samaná, resulting in business bankruptcies and a decline in tourist activity. He pointed out that the area lacks representation in the National Congress and the Executive Branch, leading to significant deterioration and abandonment.

García expressed his shock at the level of neglect, describing Samaná as a tourist gem that has been left without adequate support. He noted that the deteriorating infrastructure is driving businesses to close due to a drop in both domestic and international tourist numbers. “Samaná deserves better treatment from the government,” he stated, emphasizing the province’s importance to the Dominican Republic.

He also remarked that any government efforts in Samaná seem to be hidden, as there are no visible improvements. García made these remarks following meetings with the provincial and party leadership in Samaná and María Trinidad Sánchez provinces.

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Amauri Suardí
August 27, 2024 4:06 pm

He should be taking these frustrations out on Danilo, who utterly decimated his party. They have to reap what they sow, good riddance

Paul Tierney
August 27, 2024 9:37 pm

He is a PLD member who has supported the former PLD presidents of the RD. He had plenty of opportunities to influence them to help support the province. He should be focusing his influence on the elected officials of Samana… first. If a PLD led government was in leadership at this time and Samana struggling under the same conditions existing now, he would not be complaining. It is all politics.

August 28, 2024 2:37 pm
Reply to  Paul Tierney

My exact thoughts.