Dominican Republic presidential candidates: Luis Abinader 54%, Gonzalo Castillo 34%, Leonel Fernández 9%, according to the Zogby Strategies survey

The presidential candidate Luis Abinader, of the Modern Revolutionary Party, would obtain a voting portion of 54%, compared to 34% of Gonzalo Castillo, of the Dominican Liberation Party, Leonel Fernández of the People’s Force, with 9%, Guillermo Moreno, from Alianza País, with 2%, Ismael Cruz, from PDI, with 1% and Juan Cohén from PNVC, 0%.
The results, which reflected an effective vote, were obtained when asked the consulted voters. If the elections were today, which of these candidates would you vote for? A list with the names of Luis Abinader, Gonzalo Castillo, Leonel Fernández, Guillermo Moreno was presented. , Juan Cohen and Ismael Reyes.
They were offered today at a virtual press conference, to which national journalists were invited, by the American firm John Zogby Strategies, who reported having obtained them from a national opinion poll conducted from 12 to 14 this month.

In party support, the PRM registers 43% support, the PLD 33%, Fuerza del Pueblo 7%, PRD and PRSC 1% each, none, 10%, other, 1%, and does not know 4%.
Luis Abinader is perceived by voters as the candidate who can best manage the economy and job creation, with 47%, Gonzalo Castillo continues with 30%, Leonel Fernández, with 16%, and 7% said they do not know.
In the performance against crime and the preservation of citizen security, Abinader obtained 48%, Gonzalo Castillo 27%, Leonel Fernández, 12%, and 13% said they did not know.
It was asked which of the presidential candidates had the best performance in the face of the COVIDS -19 epidemic, with Luis Abinader and Gonzalo Castillo being tied with 39%, Leonel Fernández, 10%, and 13% said they did not know.
The interviewees were also asked which of the candidates may have a better performance in the administration of public services, reaching Luis Abinader 46%, Gonzalo Castillo 33%, Leonel Fernández 12%, and 9% said they did not know.
The study was made based on 1,200 telephone interviews, with a confidence level of 95 %% and an error level of plus or minus 2.8%.

In party support, the PRM registers 43% support, the PLD 33%, Fuerza del Pueblo 7%, PRD and PRSC 1% each, none, 10%, other, 1%, and does not know 4%.
The results were offered today at a virtual press conference, to which national journalists were invited, by the North American firm John Zogby Strategies, who reported having obtained them from a national opinion poll conducted from 12 to 14 this month.
Luis Abinader is perceived by voters as the candidate who can best manage the economy and job creation, with 47%, Gonzalo Castillo continues with 30%, Leonel Fernández, with 16%, and 7% said they do not know.
In the performance against crime and the preservation of citizen security, Abinader obtained 48%, Gonzalo Castillo 27%, Leonel Fernández, 12%, and 13% said they did not know.
It was asked which of the presidential candidates had the best performance in the face of the COVIDS -19 epidemic, with Luis Abinader and Gonzalo Castillo being tied with 39%, Leonel Fernández, 10%, and 13% said they did not know.
The interviewees were also asked which of the candidates may have a better performance in the administration of public services, reaching Luis Abinader 46%, Gonzalo Castillo 33%, Leonel Fernández 12%, and 9% said they did not know.
The study was made based on 1,200 telephone interviews, with a confidence level of 95 %% and an error level of plus or minus 2.8%.