Uncategorized November 1, 2021 | 11:10 am

Envoy says Canada covets Dominican agro products

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican agricultural sector has a great opportunity to send its products to the Canadian market, according to the Dominican ambassador to Canada, Michelle Cohen, who highlighted the importance of trade with the Dominican Republic.

“Dominican products are very attractive, especially those from agribusiness. We must understand that Canada has very little margin for agricultural production due to its climatic conditions, it has very few months to sow and cultivate,” Cohen told Diario Libre.

Fruits such as those in the Dominican Republic are highly attractive, so the diplomat urges the Dominican producer and exporter to observe Canada as one of their potential markets.


“We are in the interest of raising this export balance and Canada is a market for it. Canada is a complementary market, what Canada produces, we do not produce and what we produce, neither Canada produces. This means that the margin of growth that we have in this regard is very high.”

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