Uncategorized May 12, 2022 | 10:53 am

The war that tumbled a teetering tourism

Santo Domingo-.-The first month of the Russian invasion in Ukraine generated a 99% drop in the arrival of tourists residing in Russia to the Dominican Republic and 94% of residents in Ukraine.

The drop occurs when comparing the tourists from both countries who arrived last March compared to the previous month, when the Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, which has impacted the world economy and European tourism to the Caribbean.

Russia was one of the source countries that registered an increase in the arrival of tourists to the Dominican Republic during 2021 compared to 2020. Only last year, 178,955 people residing in that nation visited the country, according to reports from the Dominican Central Bank.

Those from Russia represented 22% of the European tourists who arrived by air to Quisqueya. Residents in Ukraine were 8%.

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