Local July 1, 2023 | 10:56 am

Government issues decree establishing a 2-year ban on fishing for several species

The Executive Branch issued decree 281-23, establishing a two-year ban, throughout the national territory, on the capture, fishing, and commercialization of herbivorous reef fish families.
Among them are parrotfish, soapfish, butu, parrotfish, doctors, surgeons, angels, butterflyfish, sea cucumbers, and holothurians.

The present decree establishes that only the collection of Holothuridae species for research or scientific study purposes will be allowed only in projects authorized by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.

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Parrotfish ban
Among the fishes banned are parrotfish, soapfish, butu, parrotfish, doctors, surgeons, angels, butterflies, sea cucumbers, and holothurians.

It also reiterates the permanent prohibition of fishing for Anguillidae (anguilarosatrata) at all stages of their development (including elvers) and any other species of fauna within the units of the National System of Protected Areas and their buffer zones.

In addition, it prohibits the use of diving compressors throughout the national territory for daytime fishing or nighttime capture of aquatic species.

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Paul Tierney
July 1, 2023 4:51 pm

This is friendly for natural resources. Historically, little is paid attention to the decrees. Vendors will be selling banned fishes from back doors or providing them names of legal fish for restaurant or market sales. There will be some arrests but not many.