Policy makers meet to discsus attainment of SDGs for the Caribbean
Port of Spain.- Pursuitof the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Caribbean SmallIsland Developing States (SIDS) will be the main focus of discussion at ameeting in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, on Tuesday 05 April 2016. Policymakers, representatives from regional organizations, and civil society groupsare expected to attend.
The eighth meeting ofthe Technical Advisory Committee of the Regional Coordinating Mechanism(TAC/RCM)for implementation of the SIDS sustainable development agenda and SDGsin the Caribbean will be hosted by the Economic Commission for Latin Americaand the Caribbean (ECLAC) at its subregional Headquarters in Port of Spain.
Representatives willalso consider ways to strengthen the TAC/RCM, as part of effort tore-invigorate the regional body to enable it to more effectively carry out itsmandate.
The RCM was establishedby the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CCDC) in 2006, at therequest of Caribbean governments, in order to support the implementation of thesustainable development agenda of Caribbean SIDS was mandated.
The RCM facilitates acoordinated approach among Caribbean countries towards achieving thedevelopment goals as outlined in the three SIDS platforms: the BarbadosProgramme of Action, the Mauritius Strategy and the SAMOA Pathway.