CBP announces new San Juan area Port Director

San Juan, Puerto Rico – U.S. Customs and Border Protection(CBP) San Juan Field Office Director Marcelino Borges announces the selectionof Edwin A. Cruz as the new area port director for San Juan.
“The San Juan Field Office welcomes Mr. Cruz to his newleadership role,” stated Director of Field Operations Borges. “Based on his many accomplishments and pastdistinguished positions held in CBP, I’m confident that Area Port Director Cruzwill successfully advance the CBP mission and goals for the area port of SanJuan.”
As the San Juan Area Port Director (APD), Mr. Cruz willoversee operations and enforcements activities in four different ports of entrythroughout Puerto Rico. APD Cruz will work to uphold CBP’s primary mission ofpreventing terrorists or weapons of terror from entering the United States,while also fulfilling CBP’s other critical functions, such as interdictingnarcotic threats, apprehending criminals, intercepting pests, plant and animaldiseases harmful to domestic agriculture, and enforcing import and export tradelaws. Also, he will have responsibility to inspect international cargo andpassengers arriving from foreign countries into Puerto Rico (PR) and tofacilitate legitimate trade and travel at all air and sea ports in the island.
“I feel blessed, thankful and privileged to assume thecharge of the San Juan Area Port Director. I am ready to work with all the opportunities and challenges ahead ofme, but most important, I am ready to continue working with San Juan CBPemployees and our stakeholders to ensure our mission continues to beaccomplished with high standards”, said newly appointed APD Cruz.
San Juan Area Port Director Cruz initiated his career withthe federal government in 2002 as an Immigration Inspector in the Port of SanJuan, PR, and moved through the ranks to serve in a variety of management rolesfulfilling numerous critical functions. APD Cruz has extensive experienceserving as Assistant Area Port Director in both passenger and tacticaloperations in San Juan. During histenure, he demonstrated a high level of strategic planning, interpersonal skills,and operational knowledge necessary to direct and coordinate a complexorganization, such as the Port of San Juan.
He has a Master Degree in Business Administration andBachelor’s Degree in Social Science, with a major in Criminology. He also serves in the Puerto Rico NationalGuard, where he has received numerous awards. APD Cruz began his new position as San Juan Area Port Director on May2016.