“Haiti has collapsed,” admits former finance minister

As gangs take over Haiti, more movement, surveillance, and increased intelligence management at the border.   Santo Domingo, DR Former Haitian Minister of Finance, Daniel Dorsainvil, has frankly confessed the hard truth about the dark fate of his country: “Haiti has sunk” while assuring that the daily life of his compatriots “is composed of fear, anxiety, uncertainty and bad life.” Meanwhile, the Dominican-Haitian border is experiencing a lot of movement, increased surveillance, operations, and more intelligence management, which has triggered the workload on thousands of soldiers deployed there to guarantee the integrity of the national territory. “There is no longer any doubt.” The former Haitian Finance Minister assures that “this situation continues to worsen to such an extent that there is no longer any doubt that Haiti is sinking. Rather, … Continue reading “Haiti has collapsed,” admits former finance minister