Health November 27, 2021 | 7:17 am

Ómicron, the new variant of Covid that shakes the world

Upon learning of the emergence of the variant of the virus, the United States, the European Union, and other countries established travel restrictions for visitors from southern African nations.

The discovery of a new coronavirus variant that causes COVID-19 shook much of the world on Friday. Several countries suspended some air routes, markets suffered a sharp drop, and scientists met urgently to determine the largely unknown risks.

A World Health Organization panel named the variant “omicron” and classified it as a highly transmissible virus of care, the same category that includes the delta variant. The commission said initial testing indicates an increased risk of reinfection.

In response, the United States, the European Union, and other countries established travel restrictions for visitors from southern African nations.

The White House said the United States would restrict South Africa and seven other countries in the region starting Monday. He did not elaborate, except to say the restrictions will not apply to returning U.S. citizens or permanent residents, who will continue to be required to test negative before traveling.

Medical experts, including the WHO, called for no overreactions before learning more about the variant that originated in southern Africa. Still, a nervous world feared the worst almost two years after the emergence of COVID-19 and the onset of a pandemic that has caused more than 5 million deaths in the world.

“We must act quickly and as soon as possible,” British Health Secretary Sajid Javid told Parliament.

In principle, there was no indication that the variant causes a more severe illness. As in other variants, some patients are asymptomatic, South African experts said.

The WHO panel relied on the Greek alphabet to name the omicron variant, as done with previous significant virus variants.

Although some genetic alterations are of concern, it was unclear whether the new variant would pose a severe threat to public health. Earlier variants, such as the beta, initially concerned scientists but did not spread too widely.

The European Union, made up of 27 nations, temporarily suspended air travel from southern Africa and share prices fell in the United States, Europe, and Asia. On Wall Street, the Dow Jones index fell more than 1,000 points, and the cost of oil plummeted almost 12%.

“The last thing we need is to bring in a new variant that causes even more problems,” said German Health Minister Jens Spahn. E.U. countries have recently experienced an outbreak of cases.

The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that flights should be “suspended until we clearly understand the danger posed by the new variant, and travelers returning from this region must respect strict quarantine rules.”

Von der Leyen insisted on taking extreme caution, warning that “mutations could lead to the emergence and spread of even more worrisome variants of the virus that could spread around the world in a few months.”

Belgium became the first E.U. country to announce a case of the variant. “It is a suspicious variant,” said Health Minister Frank Vandenbroucke. “We do not know if it is a very dangerous variant.”

It has not yet been detected in the United States, said Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S. government’s leading infectious disease expert. However, overseas, the variant “appears to be spreading at a reasonably fast rate,” he told CNN. And while it may be more transmissible and vaccine-resistant than other variants, “we don’t know for sure at this point,” Fauci added.

Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries globally, announced on Friday that it also detected its first case of the new variant in a traveler returning from Malawi. The traveler and two other suspected cases were isolated. Israel said all three were vaccinated, but authorities were investigating the exact vaccination status of the travelers.

According to the WHO, in the last week, coronavirus infections increased by 11% in Europe.

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Flem Snoples
November 27, 2021 8:07 am

No it isn’t Omicron that shook the world it is WHO and the other politicos who need crisis after crisis to maintain a stranglehold on the people

November 27, 2021 9:04 am
Reply to  Flem Snoples

We should start a club…WANZ…We Are Not Zombies…only requirement is to have some common sense…jjj

John Boy Billy
November 27, 2021 9:12 am

Noticed how they skipped Xi which was the actual next greek letter to be assigned for variants? The WHO protecting the commies like usual.

November 27, 2021 9:34 am

Forget the evidence that the more any virus mutates the more infections but less dangerous it becomes.

Can anyone point to any past virus that became MORE deadly after mutations? Please, strap on your Rage Googler and show your chops.

It’s all more Fear Porn for the small-brained and easily snookered.

Somewhere, Klaus Schwab is smiling…

Deran Akullian Jr.
November 27, 2021 1:35 pm
Reply to  Cobraboy

No more Dr1 for you son.

John Conor
November 27, 2021 3:16 pm

Yeah! As if vaccine’s deaths are not shaking the world?
Let’s not forget this was published in the media from a week ago…

November 28, 2021 11:01 am

The BBC is reporting that in the UK during the period of 10/24-11/21, the vaccinated accounted for 61% of all cases, 66% of all hospitalizations, and 81% of all deaths.

<sarc>So let’s bar the unvaxxxed from participating in society.</sarc>

Seriously, based on science and “the data”, the prudent course of action would be to quarantine the vaxxxed to prevent the spread.

November 28, 2021 11:21 am

“Omicron” is an anagram of “moronic”.

Maybe The Overlords are just playing with The Normals…