World January 27, 2023 | 9:30 am

Consulate of the Dominican Republic in Madrid must abandon its headquarters due to noise complaints

Source: External

The Dominican consulate’s operations at its current headquarters in Madrid, Spain, are coming to an end. The eviction order has the force of a sentence, so its transfer is urgent. A competent court in the Spanish capital overturned the decision. Its scope also has an impact on the work of the Central Electoral Board, the Passport Office, and other offices located in the central avenue Paseo de la Castellana #128. This metric is significant because Spain has the second-highest Dominican immigration, with over 187,345 dominicans. “When they evict, they are not only evicting the consulate, but also the Central Electoral Board and the Passport Directorate, which operate in the same building,” a source explained.

According to the source consulted, the court order is the result of years of litigation and continuous complaints from tenants and building owners about the noise typical of these activities and the confluence of people searching for services. “It is a judicial process that has been dragging on for several years. It all started when the tenants and owners of the building where the Dominican consulate is located complained about the number of people who attend and the noise. That made the people who own the building uncomfortable,” he explained. According to the information he handles, the residents complained to the owner of the premises where the consular mission operates, and he saw no other option but to sue the consulate to force it to leave the premises because he is not interested in renewing the contract.

According to the source consulted, this is not a conflict that arose during the current consul’s management or in the past. He stated that it has been a problem for many years. He noted that the consulate had filed an appeal, but that most legal remedies had been exhausted. “They’re already in the final stages,” he says, indicating that the entity needs to find a location right away. In that order, he debunked the widely held belief that it is a matter of local payments. 


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Paul Tierney
January 27, 2023 2:12 pm

This is a poor image for the RD. It mirrors the same bad behavior at home.

January 27, 2023 2:22 pm

basically, it’s saying that Dominicans are too noisy and disrespectful about other people around them. This is highly embarrassing and it’s one of the things i hate most about our people. The lack of respect for other around them.

January 27, 2023 7:26 pm

Who’s idea was it to open a Consulate on a residential building knowing how loud and inconsiderate Dominicans are? Can’t the Dominican Republic buy or Rent a space that is dedicated business? They people running this consulate have no shame to even go to court an contest the landlord’s decision to ask them to move out smh.