World April 28, 2023 | 9:12 am

26 bodies found in clandestine graves in western Mexico

Mexico.- Local authorities reported on Thursday that at least 26 bodies were discovered in clandestine graves in the municipality of Tecomán, in the western Mexican state of Colima. The remains were found with the help of drones and dogs in the community of Cerro de Ortega, where multiple hidden burials have been identified since 2018. Excavations are still ongoing, and authorities believe there may be more remains to uncover.

The discovery of clandestine graves has been on the rise in Colima, with most of them located in Tecomán, near the neighboring state of Michoacán, where different criminal groups operate. In 2019, 69 bodies were found in a series of graves in Tecomán, which is known for tourism on its beaches and agricultural activities. Last December, another 22 bodies were discovered in the same area.

The state of Colima, situated on the Pacific coast, is an important part of the drug trafficking route. Additionally, its ports are used by drug traffickers for the transfer of drugs or substances such as fentanyl, which is a synthetic opioid that can be up to 50 times more potent than heroin.

Since the launch of a controversial military anti-drug operation in December 2006, Mexico has recorded over 340,000 murders and around 100,000 disappearances, most of which have been attributed to criminal organizations.

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