World May 18, 2023 | 1:46 pm

Haiti gathers all the elements to be intervened militarily, according to the UN

Mauricio Ramirez Villegas, the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in the Dominican Republic, has stated that the conditions for military intervention in Haiti are present due to the ongoing territorial crisis in the neighboring country.

Villegas acknowledged that while the decision to intervene militarily lies with the member countries, all the necessary elements for such action exist. However, he also noted that the Dominican Republic has had a complicated past experience with military interventions.

Expressing frustration at the lack of progress in the situation, Villegas highlighted the efforts made by the Dominican Republic to mitigate the impact of the behavior of Haitian nationals on the country.

He emphasized the importance of sanctions in limiting the activities of those supporting criminal gangs, including arms trafficking. Villegas mentioned the existence of a Sanctions Committee in the Security Council, which is analyzing the situation in Haiti with the aim of achieving concrete results.

The ongoing control of certain suburbs in Port-au-Prince by heavily armed criminal gangs has hindered the delivery of humanitarian aid and led to a worsening crisis.

The international community is closely monitoring the situation, and discussions on potential solutions, including military intervention and sanctions, are being held to address the complex challenges facing Haiti.

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Paul Tierney
May 19, 2023 8:39 am

Troops cannot arrive soon enough!

May 26, 2023 5:27 pm

Foreign intervention has never solved the problems facing the Haitian people and will not solve them now. Foreign intervention is always for the benefit of foreign interests and the elite groups in Haiti that run the country for their own benefit and that of foreign interests. The Haitian people must be allowed to find their own solutions rather than be once again “pacified” to protect the elites that continue to loot the country.