World June 12, 2023 | 1:43 pm

Dominican Republic talks with the US and Canada to combat illegal trafficking of rostrata eels

Santo Domingo.-The Dominican Republic, represented by the Dominican Fisheries and Aquaculture Council (Codopesca) and the National Environmental Protection Service (Senoa), has initiated discussions with the United States and Canada to establish a tripartite regulatory framework. The main objective of this framework is to achieve traceability of all exports involving the rostrata eel, in order to combat illicit trafficking and ensure a clean record of trade between the countries involved.

The participating nations aim to establish control and security mechanisms as the cornerstone of this initiative. Additionally, they seek to reach international agreements that create a transnational legal framework, ensuring uniform processes through a standardized format.

As part of this effort, any trade routes or channels that do not adhere to the agreed-upon regulations will be suspended. The goal is to establish permanent communication channels and open trade routes that operate within the framework of the established agreements.

International inspection and control entities have acknowledged the improvements and controls implemented by the Dominican Council of Fisheries and Aquaculture over the past two years. These include effectively managing the country’s quota and collaborating with other organizations in the fight against illicit trafficking, particularly along the Haiti-Dominican Republic border.

Through these collaborative efforts and the establishment of a robust regulatory framework, the participating countries aim to ensure the traceability, legality, and sustainable management of rostrata eel trade in the region.

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