Chaos in Haiti goes up for debate in the US Senate
Santo Domingo.- The crisis in Haiti will be thoroughly analyzed on Thursday by the Committee on Foreign Relations of the United States Senate in a special meeting in Washington. The meeting, called for by Senator Bob Menéndez, aims to establish the next steps in finding a way out of the situation in the neighboring country.
Prior to the meeting, a delegation from the Dominican Republic met with Senator Menéndez on Wednesday, exchanging ideas and perspectives on the situation in Haiti. The delegation included representatives such as the Administrative Vice Minister of the Presidency, Andrés Lugo Risk; the Vice Minister of Bilateral Foreign Policy, José Julio Gómez; the president of the Dominican Academy of History, Juan Daniel Balcácer; the vice president of the National Progressive Force, Pelegrín Castillo; and the president of the Liberal Action Party, Maritza López. The delegation was also joined by José Julio Gómez, vice minister of foreign affairs; Deputy Rafaela Alburquerque from the PRSC; and the ambassador, Alexander De la Rosa.
The only generation of this debate will be hot air.