World September 12, 2023 | 12:23 pm

Haitian authorities remain silent in the face of ultimatum from the Dominican Government

Santo Domingo.- The Haitian Government has remained silent regarding the Dominican Republic’s decision to close the border and suspend visas for Haitians if the conflict over the construction of a canal in the Dajabón River is not resolved before Thursday. While some political leaders and Dominican civil society have commented on this move, there has been minimal official reaction from the Haitian government.

Former Consul General of Haiti, Edwin Paraison, acknowledged the Dominican Republic’s legitimate concerns regarding technical issues with the canal project but suggested that clarification is needed regarding whether they oppose the project itself.

Former Haitian Prime Minister Jean Max Bellerive blamed Haiti’s government for conflicts with the Dominican Republic, citing the lack of authority and control in the country as a fundamental cause of the problems.

President Luis Abinader clarified that the canal is a private project involving business and political groups interested in bringing water to their farms. He did not reveal specific names but ordered a ban on their entry into the Dominican Republic.

The situation remains unresolved, with the Dominican Republic awaiting a response from the Haitian government.

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September 12, 2023 12:40 pm

Threaten military intervention to thwart the project… that’ll get their attention.

Dave Lopes
September 13, 2023 12:00 am
Reply to  Franco

lol military intervention…lol

September 12, 2023 1:58 pm

Looking at the size of this canal in relation to the size of the river,do we begrudge a little water to people who need it to produce food for them to survive.

September 12, 2023 2:30 pm
Reply to  Richard

Slippery slope Rick! Where would it stop if allowed!

luis pena
September 13, 2023 9:16 am
Reply to  Richard

there are ways to do it in an orderly manner, but thats not the case here.

Felix Pierre louis
September 12, 2023 5:19 pm

The canal which the Haitian farmers are building is a necessity to the miserable Haitian farmers, which will help them from not migrating to the Dominican republic and to work as slaves for peanuts by making the Dominican oligarchy much richer. The Dominican president is under the pressure of the Dominican left radical anti Haitians elements, The Dominicans have been using the Massacre river for long, so the latter river as well belong to Haiti. The Dominicans would like to prevent the poor Haitian farmers from not being independent from their agricultural products, The Dominican should stop from threatening the Haitian state on such matter. According to the 1929 border treaty between Haiti and the Dominican republic, all disputes over such matter should be consider in a peaceful way through a process of negotiation by a third party that can be for example the Vatican, but not by menace of violence or boycott like the Dominican state is doing.

September 13, 2023 1:21 am

It also states that you cannot divert a body of water that’s less than 15 kilometers away from the border. I fully understand your posture in the matter thoe

luis pena
September 13, 2023 9:19 am

complete BS, you cannot built such a structure without environmental impact studies and without taking into consideration the other owner of the river. The border teatry states that the negotiations should be done BEFORE the construction begins. ORDER and Respect of the law.

DR should send an army battallion with heavy equipment and refill th canal by force. then if the haitians want to built it they can start the process in the order the teatry demands.

Last edited 1 year ago by luis pena