World September 14, 2023 | 9:41 am

UN chief asks world leaders to resolve the planet’s “disaster”

USA.- In the face of the escalating global crises, the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, issued a heartfelt plea to world leaders gathering in New York next week, urging them to collaboratively seek solutions to navigate out of these dire circumstances.

Guterres emphasized the magnitude of the challenges confronting humanity today, ranging from the worsening climate crisis to escalating conflicts, a global inflation crisis, growing inequalities, and disruptive technological changes. Speaking to the press on the eve of the UN General Assembly, which will bring together leaders from across the globe, he stressed that people around the world are looking to their leaders for a way out of these disasters.

He expressed deep concern about the fragmentation of the world, which diminishes our collective ability to effectively address these crises. Guterres underscored that the conflict in Ukraine plays a pivotal role in exacerbating political divisions worldwide. Therefore, finding a solution and achieving peace in Ukraine in accordance with the UN charter and international law is of utmost importance to reduce these geopolitical divisions. However, he openly admitted his skepticism about the possibility of this happening anytime soon, acknowledging that we are still far from a viable resolution.

Guterres disclosed that he is currently focused on reviving the agreement that enabled the export of Ukrainian grain through the Black Sea for approximately a year. He plans to meet with key leaders, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov, to discuss this matter. The Secretary-General expressed his determination to reinvigorate the Black Sea Initiative, a deal negotiated in the summer of 2022 under the auspices of Ankara and the UN. This initiative allowed for the safe export of cereals from Kyiv through Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea.

However, Russia withdrew from this crucial agreement for global grain supplies in July, citing international sanctions that hindered the export of its own agricultural products and fertilizers. Guterres is committed to finding a path forward in this regard and addressing the challenges posed by this withdrawal.

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Paul Tierney
September 14, 2023 11:08 am

The task to resolve the planet’s “disaster” would be to take on the elimination of.. greed and the obsessive compulsion of tyrants to hold on to power. There are head of state tyrants, boardroom tyrants, street tyrants, and workplace tyrants. They want to take, not to give.

Only God knows the solution of the mess. He blesses those who try to find one.