World September 15, 2023 | 11:55 am

Flights between the Dominican Republic and Haiti are suspended after total closure of the borders

Santo Domingo.- On Thursday, September 14, four flights to Haiti departing from the La Isabela – Doctor Joaquín Balaguer International Airport, commonly known as El Higüero, were suspended in response to President Luis Abinader’s order to completely close the borders, starting on Friday, September 15.

Luis José López, the communication director of Aerodom, explained that this decision could potentially impact up to 500 daily seats starting the following day, resulting in economic consequences. However, he emphasized that Aerodom fully supports President Abinader’s decision, which is set to take effect at 6:00 in the morning on Friday, September 15, encompassing the entire border of the Dominican Republic—both land and air, according to reports from Today.

Aerodom clarified that, as a private airport operator, it lacks the authority to cancel or suspend flights to any destination, as this is solely the responsibility of the relevant authorities. The organization reiterated its endorsement of the actions directed by the Dominican Government, which are primarily aimed at preserving national security.

President Abinader highlighted that the government will adhere to its plan established by the National Security Council. He emphasized that the Ministry of Defense, in conjunction with the National Army, Navy, and Air Force, is prepared to implement the prescribed measures.

The President specified that despite the border closure, discussions are ongoing with the Haitian government. He also mentioned that the Haitian government has acknowledged its difficulties in maintaining control within its territory.

He further asserted that the border would remain sealed for as long as required to eliminate the provocation in question. Additionally, he disclosed that the General Directorate of Immigration has issued instructions to prohibit the entry of nine Haitian provocateurs involved in the recent incidents.

Efforts at the diplomatic level between both nations persist, despite limitations imposed by the Haitian government concerning the relevant group. President Abinader emphasized the commitment to resolving the conflict through dialogue.

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Elmer del orbe
September 15, 2023 4:37 pm

It will be intesesting to see if peasant farmers with shovels and picks and cement blocks can actually divert the river. Good chance it wont work. Then what?

Dave Lopes
September 15, 2023 7:43 pm

Best news for Haiti. Keep that border sealed for eternity.