World September 18, 2023 | 3:23 pm

Dominican President says border closure protects against Haitian gangs

New York.- President Luis Abinader has clarified that the closure of the Dominican-Haitian border, which was ordered by his government on September 15, is primarily aimed at protecting the Dominican Republic from gangs occupying parts of Haitian territory and from political extremism that does not recognize the Haitian government’s authority.

Abinader emphasized that these extremist groups and unauthorized gangs operating in Haiti could pose a significant security threat to the Dominican Republic if their activities are not controlled. He stressed that as the President of the Dominican Republic, he has a responsibility to safeguard the nation’s security.

During his participation in the World Leaders Forum at Columbia University, Abinader mentioned that he didn’t want to close the border, but given the circumstances, it became necessary. He pointed out that the Dominican Republic shares a border with Haiti, which is unlike any other in the world due to the security challenges it presents.

Abinader explained that his government had requested the Haitian government to take control of the southern side of the border two weeks ago due to security concerns. He noted that security takes precedence over economic considerations.

Regarding the construction of the canal over the Dajabón or Masacre River, Abinader expressed hope that the Haitians would cease their excavation, and he emphasized that dialogue is the best way to resolve the crisis and reopen the border. He reiterated that the canal construction violates international water treaties, with over 80 percent of the river’s flow running through Dominican territory.

Regarding the economic impacts of the border closure, Abinader mentioned that the Ministry of Industry and Commerce is working to mitigate these effects, particularly on small-scale commerce.

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September 18, 2023 3:33 pm

But this is not the reason he has previously given

Deivy Campusano
September 18, 2023 3:34 pm

Great measure, but what about the PLETHORA of undocumented Haitians already living in Dominican territory? They’re a potential threat too and some can be affiliated with those gangs, so why not start conducting mass deportations???

September 18, 2023 4:08 pm

You have not noticed that deportation of illegals is occurring every day? It’s like many large changes… cannot all be done in one day! One does not wave a magic wand!

September 19, 2023 9:36 am

This guy is throwing anything at the wall to see if it sticks. I thought it was about the canals now the closer is helping Haitians WTF? Dominican people wake up; he’s doing all this because he wants to be reelected. Dominicans, I have nothing against you all, but your government is full of it. Stop using Haitians as a wedge issue in your country, please, and thank you! Peace and harmony to the island.