World September 20, 2023 | 3:59 pm

United States Secretary of State affirms the Dominican Republic is improving its levels of transparency and fight against corruption

New York.- Secretary of State Antony Blinken has acknowledged the Dominican Republic’s dedicated efforts to enhance transparency and combat corruption, ultimately bolstering the credibility of its institutions among the general population.

During the “Democracy Delivers” event, Blinken highlighted the investments made through USAID, which have contributed to more effective efforts against common challenges such as corruption in the past year. He emphasized that greater transparency leads to increased citizen confidence in their government.

Blinken stated, “We are seeking new ways to deliver progress to our people in areas that truly matter and positively impact their lives. We are working to strengthen public institutions and respond more effectively to citizens’ needs.”

The “Democracy Delivers” initiative represents a collaborative effort among various countries to continue strengthening democracy and promoting development and well-being for their populations. Armenia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Malawi, Maldives, Moldova, Nepal, and Tanzania are participating in this initiative.

President Abinader also addressed the event, reiterating the importance of actively and persistently combating corruption and impunity, strengthening institutions, and enhancing the quality of public spending to deliver better services to the population. He emphasized that true democracy and development are achieved through these measures.

The event took place at the Ford Foundation headquarters as part of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly. It underscores the commitment of both the Dominican Republic and the United States to promote transparency, strengthen institutions, and advance democracy.

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September 20, 2023 4:05 pm

what’s improved here is tariff and depths of the pockets of those “improving” corruption ,that’s adjusted to cost of living and rate of inflation …

September 21, 2023 12:44 pm

Hmm, so what results have been achieved through Operation Medusa thus far? How many past PLD political members and government officials have been successfully brought to justice for corruption charges? I’m curious to hear about this…..

Last edited 10 months ago by DCamp21