World October 5, 2023 | 3:59 pm

Kenyan Foreign Minister reassigned after ‘delicate’ comment on Haiti mission

Kenya’s Foreign Minister, Alfred Mutua, has been reassigned to the Tourism Ministry in a cabinet reshuffle, shortly after he made statements regarding Kenya’s police deployment in the Haiti peace mission. Mutua had spoken openly about the mission, mentioning possible deployment times and preparations. The move comes amid controversy surrounding Kenya’s pledge to lead a multinational force to combat gang violence in Haiti. Musalia Mudavadi will now take over as the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The deployment of Kenyan forces to Haiti marks a significant development as it’s the first time Kenya has led a mission in a Latin American territory. Kenya’s participation in international peace missions has been marred by allegations of abuses, crimes, and corruption.

In addition to Mutua’s reassignment, Trade and Investment Minister Moses Kuria has also been moved to the public service file. These changes coincide with President William Ruto’s efforts to reduce government spending and limit officials’ international travel.

Ruto recently ordered ministries to cut their spending by 10%, emphasizing the need for prudence in resource utilization. The President’s chief of staff also issued a memo restricting non-essential travel by Cabinet ministers and limiting the number of people accompanying ministers on authorized trips. These measures aim to address concerns that some ministers have been frequently absent from cabinet meetings due to overseas travel.

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October 5, 2023 4:29 pm

Haiti is by no means “Latin American” in a cultural sense. But if anything, it’s best that this mission is led and carried out by Kenyan forces instead of American, Canadian or any other (white) Western nation. Haitians are obviously hostile and suspicious of outsiders who do not look like them.

Last edited 1 year ago by DCamp21
October 5, 2023 4:42 pm
Reply to  DCamp21

How many of the Kenyans have a good knowledge of Haitian/Spanish/French? Will they understand the languages of Haiti and know what’s going on? Will they be educated in the culture and attitudes of Haitians? Putting average foreign police into this situation is very dangerous for everyone.

Dave Lopes
October 5, 2023 9:28 pm
Reply to  Edward

Why would they need Spanish. Haitian, French and English are the languages spoken by Haitians and the Haitian diaspora.

October 8, 2023 8:53 pm
Reply to  Dave Lopes

Sure, why learn the language spoken by your next-door neighbor, who happens to have an economy 10 times larger than yours? That would be unnecessary, futile, and ridiculous. Nice logic there. And people still wonder why Haiti is a dump and a failed state!

Dave Lopes
October 5, 2023 9:26 pm
Reply to  DCamp21

Haitians know very well that this is a US instigated and financed operation. We are not fooled by the black faces of the “coons” acting on behalf of the white man.

Jo josh
October 6, 2023 7:19 am
Reply to  Dave Lopes

To be fair, if you get your s#it together there would be no need of foreign force… I love Haiti because it is a black nation but stop with that victim mentality… the country is getting out of control and somehow it is because of the Americans… get your crap together and no international force would come