Economy October 31, 2016 | 11:56 am

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Dominican Republic bans export of exclusive semiprecious stone

Santo Domingo.- The Energy and Mines Ministry -MEM- will for the first time regulate exportsof Dominican Republic’s semiprecious stones ambar and larimar, the latter foundonly in the Dominican Republic.

In a statement MEM said the measure seeks todevelop micro, small and medium, handmade jewelry businesses as well as createformal jobs in the towns where they are mined.

It said Resolution R-MEM-REG-047-2016 bansthe export of larimar in bulk and ambar in an integral state, with traces of impurities.

Energy and Mines minister Antonio Isa Condesaid the priority is to regulate small-scale mining to exploit the riches itgenerates with the least possible harm to people and the environment.

The MEM has 1,200 registered larimar miners and 2,000 of amber and works to providehealth insurance for small miners, as well as training to be competitive in thevalue chain.

Export of polished pieces

Isa said since October 21 the export of ambarand larimar is allowed only in separate and polished pieces. "Previouslythey were exported in their natural state, raw or semi-processed, creatingdistortions on the origin and the source of these stones in internationaldestinations."

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