Local August 11, 2015 | 7:41 am

US pastor dies while rescuing 5 in Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- Americanpastor Joshua Stephen Wesson fulfilled the scripture “The good shepherd lays downhis life for his flock" last Friday when he drowned, but not beforerescuing five teens who were swept away by the sudden riptide at Punta delMuerto beach Villa Vásquez, Montecristiprovince (northwest).

The pastor, 39, of El FaroBaptist Church, located in the Maximo Gomez subdivision in Santo Domingo North,was remembered last Sunday a memorial service by the congregation which he foundedseven years ago,

Wesson decided tosettle in the country with his wife and four children five years ago, was renderedan emotional farewell in which his family, church members and residents of thecommunity were present.

His remains will betransferred to the United States this week for burial.

The prelate had led agroup of 12 teens aged between 12 and 16 and nine adults taking part in asummer Bible class, which included handicrafts and recreational games. Thisyear´s camp was dubbed "Journey to the unexplored."

More than 20 people tookin the latest of the five-day summer camps organized by the church when aroundnoon decided enjoy a swim at the beach.

Source: listindiario.com/la-republica/2015/08/11/383831/el-buen-pastor-que-dio-su-vida-para-salvar-a-grupo-de-adolescentes

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