Poverty April 8, 2016 | 3:56 pm

Dominican Republic’s poverty, digital divide ’a shame’

Punta Cana, DominicanRepublic.- National Telecom Institute (Indotel) executive director GideonSantos on Friday said he’s "ashamed" of Dominican Republic’s povertyand digital divide in the 21st Century.

"To reduce the digital divide in the country, we mustreduce poverty," the official said, speaking in the "New Technologyand Business Extra-informative" panel during the Inter American PressAssociation’s (IAPA), Midyear Assembly.

He stressed that lack of infrastructure keeps 40% of Latin America’spopulation from access to technology. He said the same percentage of thatregion’s countries doesn’t have a fiber-optic network.

Santos said high prices of smartphones and their 30% tax arehurdles to surmount the narrow the digital divide.

The Indotel director also called for a sweeping reform so thecountry can adapt to changes.

The IAPA conclave is being held until Monday in Punta Cana,eastern La Altagracia province.

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