Economy December 24, 2015 | 9:16 am

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Digital television transition postponed until 2021, Indotel says

Santo Domingo.– The Dominican Government has postponed the deadline for completion of the transition from analogue to digital television until 9 August 2021, the Dominican Telecomm Institute (Indotel) announced.

According to, the decree sets the North American model Advanced Television System Committee (ATSC) as the standard, to ensure the latest technology.

Indotel has identified factors that interfere in the process, such as concession holders that are lagging behind in legal adequacy, technical and economic investment.

In some countries the switchover has been implemented in stages as in India and the United Kingdom, where each region had a separate date to switch off. In others, the whole country switches on one date, such as the Netherlands, which switched off all analog services on 11 December 2006.

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