Ninth tourist guide Discover Puerto Plata 2022 launched
The Association of Hotels, Restaurants and Tourism Enterprises of the North (Ashonorte) put into circulation the ninth edition of the official guide of the destination Puerto Plata: Discover Puerto Plata 2022.
In addition to highlighting the different attractions of the municipalities of the province of Puerto Plata, the guide also includes information related to the various tourism lines, such as Ecotourism, Health and Wellness Tourism, Real Estate Tourism, and Wedding Tourism.
It has a fresh and innovative design, an interactive map to guide tourists through the different attractions of the destination, and a QR code for easy access on electronic devices.
The direction, texts, and translation were carried out by Kathy Morillo, Executive Director of Ashonorte. In contrast, the production, editorial direction, and layout were under the responsibility of Createx POP, in the persons of Derissé de León, president, and Diomar González, director of Art.
It had the official sponsorship of the Ministry of Tourism (Mitur) and the Administrative Ministry of the Presidency.
It is recalled that Discover Puerto Plata is the official tourist guide of the destination and the primary tool to show the beauties and attractions of the province at all national and international tourism fairs.
It is recalled that Discover Puerto Plata is the official tourist guide of the destination and the primary tool to show the beauties and attractions of the province at all national and international tourism fairs.
It will be available digitally on the social networks Instagram and Facebook (@ashonorte) and; and physically in the establishments of the members of Ashonorte and at Mitur.