Tourism May 30, 2023 | 9:21 am

Collado attacks the high cost of flights between New York and the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- Minister of Tourism, David Collado, expresses concern over high airfare prices for Dominicans traveling between New York and the Dominican Republic, particularly during the Christmas or summer season. Collado considers these prices to be an “abuse” and believes that the implementation of the Open Skies policy, supported by President Luis Abinader, will lead to cheaper air ticket prices.

Collado emphasizes the importance of free enterprise, competition, and competitiveness, but finds it unfair that Dominicans have to pay exorbitant amounts, such as $1,700, to travel to their home country after working hard in the United States and enduring the cold weather. He specifically mentions the Santiago airport as an example.

The Minister of Tourism expects that the Open Skies policy, similar to the Arajet effect observed in Latin America where ticket prices to the Dominican Republic have decreased, will have a similar impact in the United States. He anticipates greater connectivity and more affordable airfares between the two countries.

Collado made these remarks during an event announcing a new direct flight between Santiago de los Caballeros in the Dominican Republic and Medellín, Colombia, scheduled to begin on July 17th of this year.

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Paul Tierney
May 30, 2023 2:05 pm

He can help reduce the high prices by eliminating the tourist card tax.

bernie sierra
May 30, 2023 3:27 pm
Reply to  Paul Tierney

That is just 10 Dollars. We have to pay 185.00USD for a visa to go to the US and you are complaining about a 10.00USD tourist card.

Paul Tierney
May 30, 2023 3:57 pm
Reply to  bernie sierra

The Visa Cost is high. However, it is not incorporated into the airfare cost as the Tourist Tax. The Tourist Tax is a shame as it is not needed because the government gets more than enough tax revenue from tourist purchases of goods and services.

May 30, 2023 5:03 pm
Reply to  bernie sierra

where can i get $185 USD. ticket ?!…please advise me…

bernie sierra
May 30, 2023 3:26 pm

He needs to tell our government to lower their insane high taxes for flights.

May 30, 2023 5:01 pm

lower airport taxes, leave bigger margins for airlines…all that greed is passed on to passengers…i got call out JetBlue…prices are insane…my cousin told me in July tickets are almost $ 800 dollars…yep i know…”high season” , lame excuse, they’re passing losses from covid times on travelers…lower the airport taxes…stop corporate greed…you’re destroying common people’s lives…

Paul Tierney
May 31, 2023 8:43 am

When the Open Sky Agreement entices more airlines to take on Dominican routes, the agreement possibly enhanced by future onsite preclearance in the RD by US Customs & Border Protection one may expect airfares will be frozen or reduced as a result of its benefits to accommodate increased passenger demand.