Economy September 17, 2024 | 8:43 am

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Dominican government introduces new reforms to curb public spending

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican government is preparing a second wave of reforms aimed at curbing public spending as part of its continued restructuring efforts. During a press briefing at the National Palace, Finance Minister José Manuel Vicente outlined several cost-cutting measures, including limiting state advertising to educational and informative content, restricting the purchase of luxury or non-essential vehicles, and prohibiting spending on institutional events and celebrations. Additionally, all institutional reports will now be digital, eliminating printing costs.

Another key reform is freezing the number of public employees in each institution at August 2024 levels, with exceptions for police, military, medical, and teaching personnel. Extraordinary exemptions may be approved by the Ministry of Public Administration (MAP) if deemed necessary. The government is also tightening controls on international travel, requiring approval from relevant governing bodies.

Minister Vicente emphasized that the government will no longer allow public funds to be used for events, prioritizing the reallocation of these resources for more essential institutional needs.

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