World December 18, 2024 | 3:15 pm

Haiti’s Bernard Mevs Hospital attacked and burned

Port-au-Prince, Haiti.- The Bernard Mevs Hospital, one of Haiti’s most vital medical institutions, was attacked and set on fire by the Vivre Ensemble armed coalition between December 16 and 17. This act of violence has further strained access to healthcare in a nation where medical services are already scarce and often inaccessible to many.

Renowned for its advanced diagnostic capabilities and commitment to treating patients regardless of origin, the hospital expressed shock and dismay over the incident. It has been a critical lifeline during Haiti’s most challenging crises, including natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic. The Haitian government condemned the attack as a violation of human dignity and national security. Prime Minister Alix Didier Fils-Aimé ordered immediate police deployment and additional resources to ensure the hospital’s operations continue.

This attack is part of a broader wave of violence targeting health infrastructure, with dozens of hospitals and pharmacies vandalized or destroyed since February by armed groups, including those led by Jimmy Cherisier, alias “Barbecue.” The health system, already crippled by insecurity, faces increasing challenges as hospitals struggle to remain operational.

Source :EFE

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Jo josh
December 18, 2024 5:37 pm

What is the plan of those gangs… They just destroy everything then will blame France, Canada and the US for the state of the country while they are the ones burning and destroying everything

Dave C.
December 18, 2024 6:42 pm
Reply to  Jo josh

My exact thought. I just don’t understand what their end goal is. All this senseless killing and destruction to achieve what exactly?

Last edited 1 hour ago by Dave C.