Local March 16, 2025 | 2:00 pm

“If the noise bothers you, move,” kitipo owners’ response to Los Alcarrizos residents

Residents in Los Alcarrizos complain about the quitipo

The tranquility of the residents of Backup 13 in Los Alcarrizos has been affected by loud music and noises coming from the so-called “kitipos,” which are installed from the early hours of the afternoon and last with “their scandal” until late at night.

Santos Reyes, who has lived in the area for more than 40 years, complained about the quitipo and recounted how he was insulted when he asked for a bit of respect during a tour carried out by HOY in the neighborhood.

“If you don’t want to listen to us, move out of the neighborhood,’ ‘snitch,’ and countless expletives that I imagine is because of the alcohol they are drinking,” he explained.

His greatest indignation is that they are people “capable of insulting you after you have lived in my house for so long.”

They have to sleep in their jobs

Resident in Los Alcarrizos talks about the kitipo

Others say that the situation has led them to “sleep at work” since they do not find the peace to fall asleep at home.

“We are like orphans. We are worried about the ‘teteos’ and the reckless music and more so with all the obscenities, and unnecessarily loud engines,” said Antonio Gómez.

“Some young people take their time to gather and party at night, and they don’t want to turn off the music. Good people do not want evil for them, only that we are respected and in order to have a dignified society, without such an obnoxious Disturbance of the Peace,” said Eddy Araujo.

“We always ask for help from COBA so that they come and eliminate that huge noise problem,” he added.

“They don’t want to have a little music, if it’s not loud they don’t hear anything,” said a woman who did not want to reveal her identity with indignation.

“They can listen to their music at an early time, but what they want is to wake up and here there are people who work and have commitment and want to go the next day to get to work but they don’t have peace,” added another of those affected.

Is there a business behind the kitipo?

BeFunky collage 2
Residents in Los Alcarrizos talk about the situation

Residents in the area pointed out that “Kitipo is a business. Faride pays attention to that; however, it is controlled because when you get antinoise, you have to look for a hard menu.”

“Some when they go to teteo they ask for their permission and they are giving it to them and it is until a certain time, but others do what they want,” said Félix Asunción.

Call to the authorities

The residents of that area call on the municipal and police authorities to take measures against the unscrupulous so that the community can recover tranquility and the right to rest.

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March 16, 2025 2:13 pm

Noise pollution is horrible in DR. These people are not looking at the damage this creates long-term to businesses and the public. It’s a health concern. Who wants to be subjected to loud music EVERYWHERE while trying to sleep or enjoy a peaceful walk or something? We are happy people and like to party, but we need to have respect for others and maintain a peaceful environment. We get enough noise from traffic already; add the music and constant drumming all over the place, and it’s unbearable for everyone in the long-term.

March 16, 2025 8:08 pm

It’s Dominican culture

El Duro
March 16, 2025 10:10 pm

WTF? These MF should be putting in jail for disturbing the peace of the hard working people of the area😬 Culture is one thing and be disrespectful it’s another thing👎🏻 if I was leaving in that neighborhood I would wipe these MF right off. Go to the jungle with your noise🤛🏻

Amauri Suardi
March 17, 2025 4:18 am

and then they get mad when you tell them to turn it down

March 17, 2025 8:25 am

I consider their response as a direct call to action by Faride’s sound patrols. I bet she will too.