The US launches Dominican gay Chamber of Commerce
Santo Domingo.- The US Gay and Lesbian National Chamber, withbacking from the US Agency for International Development (USAID), on Wednesday inauguratedthe LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) Chamber of Commerce of theDominican Republic.
The new GLBT Chamber aims to foster an environment of fairbusiness and a market with diverse consumers in the Dominican Republic,according to promoters.
The business group joins the more than 50 LGBT Chambers andgroups of inclusive businesses worldwide which support LGBT companiesinterested in developing goods and services, and the local Chamber will supportand strengthen companies whose owners are LGBT people, especially small businesses.
Heading the event were James Brewster, his husband BobSatawake, USAID director Alexandria L. Panehal; Chance Mitchel, co-founder andCEO of the NGLCC, and the heads of the LGBT chambers of Canada, Colombia and CostaRica, among others.