Local January 6, 2017 | 2:56 pm

Agora Mall, Chavón School of Design host youth exhibit

Santo Domingo.- Executivesof Ágora Mall and the Chavón School of Design inaugurated the joint exhibit MyIdeal Toy: a selection of 19 drawings and 3-D pieces by the boys and girls whoparticipated in the creative workshops of the School of Design.

The young talents, guided by their greatimagination and creativity, with a utilitarian vision, printed what would betheir ideal toy on paper, and after using drawing techniques, took theircreation to the three-dimensional impression guided by the company CUBICAddivite Manufacturing.

The works by Gaelle, Sarah, Alexander, Marco,Sebastian, Alex, Dominic, Harolyn, Sofia, Danna, Arianna, Ian, Alma, Kai,Dylan, Lukas, Costa, Bosco and Carlos, will be available to the public untilJanuary 10, 2017, in the second level of Agora Mall, filling the atmosphere withcolor and joy.

Altos de Chavon Cultural Center Foundation Marketingand PR manager Ailyn García said the artistic expressions give children theopportunity to express themselves through different media, carrying outprocesses of collaboration, problem solving, research and exploration.

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