Santo Domingo.- The Industry and Commerce Ministry on Fri. posted mostly fuel prices for the week from September 22 to 28.
The posted drop in fuel prices comes just one day after the country’s biggest truckers’ union (Fenatrado) on Thurs. announced a nationwide walkout to protest rising fuel prices
Premium gasoline will cost RD$240.60 and regular RD$230.20, or RD$1.00 less per gallon in both cases.
Regular diesel will cost RD$193.80 per gallon; lower by RD$2.00, while optimal diesel will cost RD$205.90, or RD$1.00 less.
Avtur will cost RD$153.90, and kerosene RD$181.60; both fall RD$2.00.
Propane gas drops RD$1.00 to RD$127.60 per gallon; fuel oil remains at RD$125.35 per gallon, and natural gas stays at RD$28.97 per cubic meter.
The Dominican Central Bank’s posted average exchange rate of RD$49.91 per dollar was used to calculate fuel prices.