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Local October 12, 2020 - 3:04 pm

Meteorology office forecasts regional rainfall

Facade of the National Meteorology Office (ONAMET), external source

The National Meteorological Office (ONAMET) forecasted for Monday local downpours with thunderstorms and isolated wind gusts towards the Northeast, Central and Northern mountain ranges and border areas.

The weather forecasting agency said that these conditions are due to a moisture band that affects the national territory.

Meteorology pointed out that there will be scattered clouds in Greater Santo Domingo and that in the afternoon, it will be partially cloudy, with possible showers and thunderstorms.

The maximum temperature will be between 30ºC and 32ºC (86-90°F) and the minimum between 23ºC and 25ºC (73-77°F).

Onamet forecasts that tomorrow, Tuesday, there will also be rain in the Northeast, Southeast, and the Central Mountain Range.