Santo Domingo.- The AntinarcoticsAgency (DNCD) on Thursday arrested six people charged with forming part of aninternational drug trafficking network, including Jeifry del Rosario, 21, sonof former drug kingpin Ramon A. del Rosario Puente (Toño Leña).
The DNCD said 55packages of presumably cocaine were seized in the operation, and also arrestedFedery Antonelly Cordero Reyes; Raymundo Leonor Anglada; Nixon Messina Rijo;Alexander E. Gervacio and Adael Diaz Bautista.
Diaz was sentenced in2013 to 20 years in prison for trafficking 47 kilos of cocaine were found in apickup truck that crashed on the Samana-Santo Domingo highway, which RD$2million were also seized, authorities said then.
He was however on theloose in less than three years under circumstances yet-to-be explained.