Banco Caribe, Ocean Bank alliance focused on real estate

Agostinho Alfonso Macedo, Dennis Simó Álvarez
Santo Domingo.- Banco Caribe and Ocean Bank, the largest independent bank incorporated by the state as a commercial entity headquartered in Florida, on Tuesday announced the formalization of a collaborative alliance that will benefit corporate clients and the Elite personal portfolio in the country and the U.S.
The alliance will include the expansion of benefits, product options, conditions, facilities, stock market advice and other specialized services offered by both financial entities for this consumer segment.
The details were disclosed during a cocktail for customers hosted by executives and associates in the Intercontinental Santo Domingo Hotel, where, Banco Caribe president Dennis Simó Alvarez, and Ocean Bank CEO Agostinho Alfonso Macedo delivered keynote speeches.
“In the search for more benefits for our clients we have made this collaborative agreement with our correspondent bank Ocean Bank, entity with which we have several years of work together and with whom we share values and objectives,” stressed Simó in an emailed statement.
“With this alliance we diversified our portfolio of products and services for our most demanding clients and reinforced our strategy of corporate banking and premium personal banking, providing them with an international investment alternative,” the executive said.
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“We’re a community bank, and that part is important because we know Florida businesses, we’re an important lender in commercial real estate and development, and we know how to serve that market, for that reason we can make decisions on loans and credit quickly because we’re very familiar with the market,” Macedo said.