Economy March 9, 2015 | 10:46 am

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Dominican Republic to head regional body on climate change

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic’s National Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism Council (CNCCMDL) was unanimously elected recently to head the Latin America and Caribbean Regional Low Emissions Development Strategies (LAC LEDS) platform

CNCCMDL vice president Omar Ramirez said Dominican Republic and Costa Rica will preside over the platform’s sessions during 2015, slated for the country from October 5 to 7.

He said the platform aims to promote sustainable development with low emissions, resilient to climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean through the exchange of experiences, best practices and lessons learned to build capacity and coordinate and cooperate with formulas and implement national plans which promote long-term economic growth compatible with climate change.

The platform is part of a global alliance and is governed by an executive committee made up of entities on climate change, sustainable development, renewable energy and Environment agencies of Chile, Peru, Mexico, US, Costa Rica, Argentina and Dominican Republic.

It’s also formed by the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank, the UN Development Program, the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, among others.

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