Dominican exports still nagged by red tape, misgivings

Santo Domingo.-There areno incentives to spur farm exports as hurdles that affect the sector in the countrystill endure, said Dominican Exporters Association (ADOEXPO) president SadalaKhoury Monday morning.
He cited the lack ofsoft loans to develop a national export strategy as one of the obstacles which hasbeen affecting exports the most, while acknowledging that the government´s one-stopwindow has taken a step forward.
Among the hurdles Khourysaid exporters have to obtain as many as five certifications in variousagencies to complete the red tape. "There is no motivation toexport."
He said Dominicanbusiness leaders have misgivings with exports while public officials “havereserves, because we are not oriented or aligned in a way for growth to conquernew markets through exports."
Interviewed onTelesistema Channel 11, Khoury said Dominican republic exports US$1.5 billion toHaiti, accounting for 15%, and RD$10.0 billion to the United States, or 57%.