Govt. starts construction for Santo Domingo´s cable car

Santo Domingo.- The governmenthas started construction of a cable car system dubbed Cable Car Santo Domingo, “todefend and dignify the lives of thousands of people living in La Barquita andits surroundings.”
It said the project URBE began excavations at three key points along the cablecar´s projected route, with concrete already poured for the columns at La NuevaBarquita station in Santo Domingo Norte.
URBE also works inother sectors of Greater Santo Domingo, where commuters can board the secondMetro line at Eduardo Brito Station.
The work forms part of anambitious plan to connect historically marginalized barrios to benefit more than287,000 inhabitants with safe and cheap transport.
Santo Domingo’s cablecar will span five kilometers with five stations: Charles de Gaulle, SabanaPerdida, La Nueva Barquita, Los Tres Brazos and Gualey.
Santo Domingo´s cablecar is similar to the one in Medellin, Colombia, used by thousands of commutersdaily.