Direct foreign investment in Dominican Republic tops US$2.53B

Santo Domingo.- Central banker Héctor Valdez Albizu, on Wed. met with Dominican Republic Export and Investment Center (CEI-RD) director Marius de León, to discuss inter-institutional cooperation to promote foreign direct investment (FDI) and exports, sectors that generate foreign exchange.
Valdez Albizu highlighted the Dominican Republic’s ability to attract foreign investors, “thanks to macroeconomic stability, legal security, added to the climate of social peace that prevails in the country, reaching in 2018 US$2.53 billion in direct foreign investment.”
He noted that, as explained in the recent Foreign Direct Investment Report in Latin America 2019, of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), “this amount was lower than the one recorded in 2017 due to an extraordinary transaction for the purchase of shares of a local company by foreign investors, with which FDI was US$3.6 billion that year.”
“Therefore, the amount of US$2.53 billion in 2018 is a return to the average level of foreign direct investment of the last decade, of US$2.5 billion,” the official said in a statement.