Ball players are just two of 2,300 charged with ID forgery
Santo Domingo.- Central Electoral Board (JCE) president Roberto Rosario revealed yesterday that it has charged 2,300 people with swapping their identity and other crimes with the Cedula.
He called on sports figures who know they’re affected by forged data to go voluntarily before the JCE. He said 1,372 supplanted documents have been detected thus far and 497 for forgery.
The latest two cases of Major League Baseball players allegedly having forged IDs are Leo Núñez (Juan Carlos Oviedo) and Fausto Carmona (Roberto Hernandez Heredia).
Rosario said the United States embassy submitted both cases to the JCE. “Hopefully all Dominican athletes who’ve accomplished fame and those who haven’t come to us and thusly do a favor to the community.”