Top prosecutor vows to protect National Park, Bahía de Las Aguilas

Santo Domingo.- Justice minister Francisco Domínguez on Thursday vowed to continue to work tirelessly from all departments to protect Jaragua National Park including Bahía de Las Aguilas, as ecological heritage of all Dominicans.
He hailed the Supreme Court ruling against the acquittal of former Dominican Agrarian Institute (IAD) director Jaime Rodríguez Guzman, a brother and his wife, charged with trying steal thousands of hectares of government land including Bahia de las Aguilas using forged titles.
"We’re very pleased the Supreme Court decision which allows us to move forward in our purposes to fully ensure the integrity of the land of Bahía de las Aguilas," Dominguez said, adding that the area is a heritage of humanity and of the Dominican Republic.