Only in Dominican Republic; Prosecutors form ‘movement’
Santo Domingo.- In what can be catalogued as an event only possible in the Dominican Republic, the Prosecutors Dignity Movement on Wednesday vowed to escalate their struggle to obtain 1.44% of the government budget, by writing a bill to submit to Congress together with a group of judges.
Movement spokesperson Surely Jàquez said of the RD$8.8 billion the prosecutors should receive by law, they get only RD$3.3 billion, or 37 percent.
Jaquez said that prosecutors lack logistics to carry out their functions. "The prosecutors in the towns even have to buy reams of paper, and other expendable materials out of their own lowe wages and drive in their own vehicles as well as use their own computer."
In addition to prosecutors, some judged have also formed “unions,” although they are protected from being dismissed for such actions.